Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Listen Closely

The day before yesterday I gave my Little Giant pancakes for breakfast. As you probably know by now, pancakes are pretty much my favorite food on earth. He feels the same way about them.

As we sat at the table, I had a feeling that he could choke, and felt like I should get out my CPR booklet and review what to do when a child is choking. It only took a few minutes, then the feeling left, and we went on with our day.

Then yesterday, we were enjoying an evening at the beach with our family. LG and I left the bonfire for a few minutes to go grab something from the car. There was some candy up in the front of the car, and as soon as my Little Giant saw it, he asked for some, so I gave it to him. It is a type of candy he eats often, and a favorite around our house.

As we left the car to return to the group, I picked him up and carried him in my arms, and handed him one more piece of candy. Then I heard him choking. I mean really choking. Immediately I turned him over and pounded on his back following the treatment steps for a choking infant. I gave him two back thrusts and screamed to my husband that our son was choking.

There was a shrill in my voice, that can only be described as motherly desperation. It was alarming to me to hear it in my own voice.